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Premium Cyclone Chains – 8mm

 142,00 172,00

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Cyclone chains with Premium chains for tough descaling, hard deposits and removing residual concrete or failed liner.

Product Total: 142

Cyclone chains are self-centering to obtain a perfect cleaning result, even in damaged or delicate pipes.

In contrast to the conventional chain knocker, this prevents the pipe wall from being subjected to individual blows, and the chain works over the full circumference of the pipe on the pipe wall.

Larger and heavier U carbide (7-ridge) makes it stronger and faster than any other chain in the market. For tough descaling, hard deposits and removing residual concrete or failed liner.

Sizes range for pipe diameters from 75mm (3”) to 125mm (5”)

To be used with 8mm shaft on MINI CLEANER / MINI MILLER

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