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2WAY™ reversible nozzle


1 in stock
  • The 2WAY™ reversible nozzle can be inserted from above, down into the fall pipe. In this way cleaning from below and pushing the debris forward towards the sewer while being pulled up in a controlled and simple manner.

Product Total: 99
SKU: 24.TWS.050.007.xxxx

4 functions in 1 nozzle…

The 2WAY™ reversible nozzle can be inserted from above, down into the fall pipe. In this way cleaning from below and pushing the debris forward towards the sewer while being pulled up in a controlled and simple manner.
In an instant the 2WAY™ nozzle can be reversed for ‘normal’ use with the water jets directed backwards so the nozzle pulls itself up into the pipe.
This is the perfect solution for cleaning fall pipes in high-rise buildings if you need to work in two directions from the mezzanine floor.

A standard delivered 2nd cap makes the 2WAY™ reversible nozzle even more versatile for working WITH or WITHOUT the front jet in horizontal pipes.

This product is delivered including 7 pieces of M4 nozzle inserts. Please provide your pump pressure and capacity in order form and Nozzles123 will calculate and fit the correct insert size for you.

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